Men's Equip | Christian Theology: Part 2

Our Equip Classes in 2023 aimed to help us be able to better read, know, and study God's Word. In order to know and speak rightly about God, we must know His Word.

With that foundation, we are going to return to talking through and providing an overview of important theological topics. Our Men's Equip Class will start back in the sanctuary on March 3, 2024 from 5:00 to 6:15 PM. We will take five weeks to work through chapters 6 through 10 of Wayne Grudem's Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know. You can use the original or the revised edition. Many of us purchased the original edition when we started the first five chapters a couple of years ago. Each chapter is only 4-6 pages and gives a basic overview of the topic.

Here is the schedule for the class. The class will run in conjunction with student ministry and RAs/GAs.

Week 1 (Mar. 3) - Ch. 6 - What are Angels, Satan, and Demons?

OFF on Mar. 10 (Members Meeting)

Week 2 (Mar. 17) - Ch. 7 - What is Man?

Week 3 (Mar. 24)  - Ch. 8 - What is Sin?

OFF on Mar. 31 (Easter)

Week 4 (Apr. 7) - Ch. 9 - Who is Christ?

Week 5 (Apr. 14) - Ch. 10 - What is the Atonement?

Men's Equip | How to Interpret the Bible: Part 2

This fall, we will finish the study we started in the spring on understanding and interpreting the Bible. The spring class covered the basics of biblical interpretation (who determines what the Bible means, interpreting passages in context, etc.). The class this fall will dig a little deeper as we learn to interpret different genres of Scripture (Old Testament law, the Gospels, Revelation, Psalms, and more).

If you were not able to attend the spring sessions (or would like a refresher), the recordings can be found HERE. We will also review the basics of interpretation as we discuss these different genres this fall, so you can still learn a lot from this class even if you were unable to attend in the spring and are not able to listen to the recordings.

Finally, like the spring, we will use the companion book Journey into God's Word (2nd edition) that we will finish up this fall. The chapters we will cover each week are listed below, but just like the spring, even if you are not able to read any of the book, you will still be able to learn a lot from the class. You will be provided with additional outlines that have everything you need for each session.

Men’s Equip Dates:

  • Week 1 (Oct 1): Chapters 9 & 11 (Letters and Acts); also Review from Spring Class

  • Week 2 (Oct 8): Chapter 10 (The Gospels)

  • Week 3 (Oct 15): Chapters 12 & 14 (Revelation and Prophets)

  • Week 4 (Oct 22): Chapter 13 (Law)

  • Week 5 (Oct 29): Chapter 15 (Psalms); also discuss wisdom literature (Job, Proverbs, etc.)

Men's Equip | How to Interpret the Bible: Part 1

Do you find yourself wanting to read the Bible but have no idea where to start? Do you try to read some of the Bible but then after you are done, you feel like you have no idea what you just read? Do you want to grow in your love for God's Word and sharpen your abilities in reading it well? Our esteemed Pastor and Christian Studies Professor extraordinaire, Joshua Styles, will be leading the men through a 5-week class called How to Interpret the Bible

We will be using Scott Duvall's and Daniel Hays' Journey Into God's Word. We will be covering the first eight chapters in the spring and will plan to cover the latter seven chapters in the fall. Please purchase your own copy of the book (we are using the 2nd edition that was published in 2020 - you are welcome to use the first addition but you will miss a couple of chapters). Please plan to have read the chapters below by the date indicated.

This Equip Class will be on Sunday nights from 5:00-6:15 PM in conjunction with RA's & GA's. We hope that you will join us!

  1. Ch. 2 (The Interpretive Journey) and Ch. 8 (Meaning and Application)

  2. Ch. 7 (What Do We Bring to the Text?)

  3. Ch. 5 (Discovering the Historical-Cultural Context) and Ch. 6 (Discovering the Literary Context)

  4. Ch. 3 (Serious Reading) and Ch. 4 (Keep Your Eye on the Horizon!)

  5. Ch. 1 (Which Bible Translation Should I Use?)