Men's Equip | Christian Theology: Part 2

Our Equip Classes in 2023 aimed to help us be able to better read, know, and study God's Word. In order to know and speak rightly about God, we must know His Word.

With that foundation, we are going to return to talking through and providing an overview of important theological topics. Our Men's Equip Class will start back in the sanctuary on March 3, 2024 from 5:00 to 6:15 PM. We will take five weeks to work through chapters 6 through 10 of Wayne Grudem's Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know. You can use the original or the revised edition. Many of us purchased the original edition when we started the first five chapters a couple of years ago. Each chapter is only 4-6 pages and gives a basic overview of the topic.

Here is the schedule for the class. The class will run in conjunction with student ministry and RAs/GAs.

Week 1 (Mar. 3) - Ch. 6 - What are Angels, Satan, and Demons?

OFF on Mar. 10 (Members Meeting)

Week 2 (Mar. 17) - Ch. 7 - What is Man?

Week 3 (Mar. 24)  - Ch. 8 - What is Sin?

OFF on Mar. 31 (Easter)

Week 4 (Apr. 7) - Ch. 9 - Who is Christ?

Week 5 (Apr. 14) - Ch. 10 - What is the Atonement?