to Apr 6

GA's & RA's

Girls in Action (GA’s) and Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) are scripture memory and missions education programs for grade-schoolers, 1st-5th grade. We spend time learning the bible, learning the stories of past missionaries, as well as doing activities to support and learn from the missionaries we currently support.

GA & RA ministries are offered during the school year on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:15 pm. The spring semester begins January 19 and continues through April 6.

During the summer, GA’s and RA’s have the opportunity to go to summer camp at Camp LaVida (girls camp) or Camp McCall (boys camp).

You can sign-up your grade-schooler to participate in GA’s and RA’s below.

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to Feb 23

Women's Equip Class

In the spring, we will finish our two-year discussion of important theological topics. Our Women's Equip Class will start back in the sanctuary on January 19, 2025 from 5:00 to 6:15 PM. We will take five weeks to work through chapters 16 through 20 of Wayne Grudem's Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know. You can use the original or the revised edition. Many of us purchased the original edition when we started going through the book a couple of years ago. Each chapter is only 4-6 pages and gives a basic overview of the topic.

Here is the schedule for the class. The class will run in conjunction with student ministry and RAs/GAs.

  • Week 1 (Jan 19) - ch. 17 - What is the Church? (please note: ch. 17 will be before ch. 16)

  • Week 2 (Jan 26) - ch. 16 - What is Death? (please note: ch. 16 will be after ch. 17)

  • Week 3 (Feb 2) - ch. 18 - What Will Happen When Christ Returns?

  • Off on Feb 9 (Discipleship Summit)

  • Week 4 (Feb 16) - ch. 19 - What is the Final Judgment?

  • Week 5 (Feb 23) - ch. 20 - What is Heaven?

Please sign up below! We look forward to being together as we seek to bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of the Lord (Col 1:10).

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9:00 AM09:00

Parent's Morning Out

As a thank you to our members, we want to treat parents to a morning out. On March 1, you can count on free, trusted babysitters to watch your kiddos (ages 4 months - 5th grade) at Ridgewood Church from 9:00 - 11:00 am. Please register below by February 23.

Volunteers: Would you be willing to serve the parents of Ridgewood Church by helping to watch their kids for this event? You will be paid in Chick-fil-a biscuits and coffee. Please reach out to Hannah Koschel if you are able to help.

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to Apr 6

Men's Equip Class

In the spring, we will finish our two-year discussion of important theological topics. Our Men’s Equip Class will start back in the sanctuary on March 2, 2025 from 5:00 to 6:15 PM. We will take five weeks to work through chapters 16 through 20 of Wayne Grudem's Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know. You can use the original or the revised edition. Many of us purchased the original edition when we started going through the book a couple of years ago. Each chapter is only 4-6 pages and gives a basic overview of the topic.

Here is the schedule for the class. The class will run in conjunction with student ministry and RAs/GAs.

  • Week 1 (Mar. 2) - ch. 17 - What is the Church? (please note: ch. 17 will be before ch. 16)

  • Off on Mar. 9 (Members Meeting)

  • Week 2 (Mar. 16 ) - ch. 16 - What is Death? (please note: ch. 16 will be after ch. 17)

  • Week 3 (Mar. 23) - ch. 18 - What Will Happen When Christ Returns?

  • Week 4 (Mar. 30) - ch. 19 - What is the Final Judgment?

  • Week 5 (Apr. 6) - ch. 20 - What is Heaven?

Please sign up below! We look forward to being together as we seek to bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of the Lord (Col 1:10).

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5:00 PM17:00

Members Meeting

Join us at 5:00PM on March 9 for our next Members Meeting. Please sign-up for childcare using the form below by March 4. Food sign-ups are also available below via Sign-up Genius.

Note of a change we're making: We will be doing our meeting first and meal second and we will cap childcare.

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11:45 AM11:45

Newcomers Lunch

Are you new to Ridgewood over the last couple of months? Would you like to hear some of our story? Do you have any initial questions about the church? Do you want to meet some of our pastors? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then our Newcomers Lunch on March 16, 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM is for you! We will have lunch together, introduce ourselves, and discuss the next steps in getting you connected with the church. The meal is free and informal and your kids are welcome to hang out with us as we chat. 

We would love for you to join us for lunch following the service. Please sign up below by March 12 so that we can know how many to expect and any allergies you or your family may have. If you have any questions, please email aaron@ridgewoodgreer.com. We look forward to being together on March 16.

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8:00 AM08:00

Church Work Day

Join us on Saturday, March 22 from 8:00am-Until. Any skill level invited!

We'll be pulling weeds, cutting grass, weed eating, and other landscaping projects. We'll also be cleaning inside the education building and completing a few tasks inside.

Come one, come all!

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4:00 PM16:00

Discovering Ridgewood

If you have been visiting our church and want to take a deep dive into our vision and beliefs, join us for Discovering Ridgewood on March 30, 4 PM – 7 PM! This is a 3-hour class where you and other newcomers will have the opportunity to learn about who we are, how you can connect, and what the membership process looks like. As you get to know us better and we get to know you, our hope and prayer is that the Lord will make clear if He is calling you to become a member of our church.

Please sign up by Wednesday, March 26 . This class will be held at 407 Ridgewood Dr. in Greer. Dinner (Wild Ace pasta or Moe’s Taco Bar-depending on allergies) and childcare will be provided. If you have any questions, please email aaron@ridgewoodgreer.com. We hope you will join us on March 30.

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8:00 AM08:00

Equip Intensive: Session 6

We are excited to offer Session 6 of our Equip Intensives starting January 20, 2025. The Intensives are open to both male and female members of Ridgewood Church who are seeking to grow in maturity and discerning how to love and serve the church. Our Equip Intensives are quarterly and run on a 2-year rotation. There are 8 Intensives over that 2-year period. You can jump in to participate at any point! You do not need to have done Sessions 1–5 to do Session 6.

The Intensive will consist of about a 3-month period to do reading and writing assignments. Then, we will meet for a seminar on a Saturday morning (Apr. 12, 2025) to receive teaching from the pastors, discuss the assignments, and process what has been learned. The hope would be that you could participate in the 2 years but please sign up even if you are unsure if you can.

This seminar is entitled Apologetics and Culture. The goal will be to grow in our knowledge and understanding of talking about our faith, sharing our faith, and engaging people and the culture around us.

The seminar will be on April 12, 2025, from 8 am to 12 pm.

Who should participate?

  • Male and female members of Ridgewood Church wanting to spend 2 years pursuing accelerated spiritual transformation

  • People discerning how best to serve and lead in the church

  • People who desire to be poured into, receiving both encouragement and correction

  • Those wanting to grow in biblical character traits (1 Tim 3:1–13; Gal 5:22–23; Tit 1:6–9; Col 3:12–17)

We look forward to how the Lord will grow us individually and corporately through the Equip Intensives! Sign up below.

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to Jun 30

June Dinner Groups

  • Google Calendar ICS

Our annual summer Dinner Groups are back for Summer 2025! We will be doing them in June and July. Our hope is that Dinner Groups will serve as one of the many ways our church body pursues maturity in Christ, while also deepening and building new relationships within the church body.

How Dinner Groups Work

For those who are new to Dinner Groups, here is how they work:

  • What: Dinner Groups are formed with three to four couples, families, or individuals who share a meal and enjoy conversation twice during a month.

  • Who:

    • Participants: Smaller groups of five to eight adults contribute to the shared meal. You don't have to be a church member to participate.

    • Hosts: One individual, couple, or family will be designated as a “host” for your group. Details of hosting are listed below. You must be a church member to host.

  • When: There will be three options available. You will choose only one of the following options:

    • Option 1: Saturdays - June 7 & 21

    • Option 2: Wednesdays - June 11 &25

    • Option 3: Other - for those who can't do the above dates and want to coordinate their own dates within their Dinner Groups

We Need Hosts

We want to limit the size of these groups, so we need people willing to host a Dinner Group. You must be a member of Ridgewood to be a host. If you agree to "host," Aaron will get you all the information you need.

Responsibilities of hosts:

  • Must be a Ridgewood member

  • Communicate with the group to determine the exact times for the shared meals

  • Help coordinate what each person may contribute to the meal

  • Initiate a more intentional conversation with some questions for everyone to be able to get to know each other better

Sign-up Deadline for June Dinner Groups: Sunday, May 18

We are going to do Dinner Groups in June and July. You will need to sign up for each month separately if you want to participate in both months. Your Dinner Group will be different for each month. The sign-up deadline for June Dinner Groups is Sunday, May 18 . This deadline is a hard deadline since the coordination of groups takes time and organization. Please sign up below by May 18.

Email Aaron with any questions.

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to Jun 21

Camp McCall

We will be sending two groups of boys to Camp McCall this summer. Camp McCall is a boys camp of the South Carolina Baptist Convention where boys have the chance to learn about God while experiencing adventure and the great outdoors. We are offering two different camp opportunities to McCall this year:

  1. Lad Camp #2 (June 19-21): Offered for 1st-4th graders (completed Spring 2025), this is the perfect introduction to summer camp. Lad Camp is a three day; two night experience. Campers register by church/group, and each group stays together in a cabin. Each group must also have one adult male for every 5 campers. If you are looking for a great way to introduce your child to summer camp, this is it! Cost is $165.00 per person. Code to register with “Ridgewood Church” group: RidgewoodLadCamp

  2. Crusader Camp #1 (June 2-6): This is a five day (Mon-Fri) camp for 4th-12th graders, with age-appropriate cabins & activities for each age group. Both individuals and groups are welcome. Large groups from churches are split into smaller pairs of campers to increase social interaction, growth and development. Unaccompanied by parents or adults, this is the classic summer camp experience that kids remember for a lifetime! Cost is $330 per person. Code to register with “Ridgewood Church-Crusader” group: RidgewoodCrusader

Please register by March 23. If you have any questions about registration, reach out to Hannah Koschel.

Have a grade school girl? Don’t worry, we are heading to Camp La Vida again too this year! Details and registration are on the way!

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to Jun 27

Camp La Vida

Our grade school girls are headed to Camp La Vida again! Camp La Vida is a girls missions discipleship camp of the South Carolina Baptist Convention. We have two camp options for our girls this year:

  1. Mother/Daughter Minicamp (June 16-18): For mothers and their daughters who have completed 1st-3rd grade in Spring 2025. If you are wanting to experience what Camp La Vida is all about, a minicamp is a great introduction to camp life, while still leaving you with plenty of new memories and experiences! Price per person is $180. Both the mother and the daughter need to register.

  2. GA/Acteens Week (June 23-27): GA Camp is for girls who have completed 3rd-6th grade in Spring 2025. Acteens Camp is for girls who have completed 7th-12th grade in Spring 2025. Looking to fill your summer with as many missionary stories, camptivities, new friends, and memories as possible? Attend this week camp to experience as much of camp as you can! Price per camper is $360.

For more information about Camp La Vida visit their website here.

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to Feb 8

Discipleship Summit

In a world full of hardship, confusion, and uncertainty, how can the church be a refuge of care?

Join us for our Discipleship Summit weekend on February 7 from 6:30PM-8:30PM and February 8 from 9AM - 2PM. Childcare will NOT be provided. Children 8 and up are welcome!

The weekend will consist of three Main Sessions:

  • Friday Night: What is Care in the Life of the Church?

  • Saturday Morning: Whose Job Is It to Care for the Church?

  • Saturday Afternoon: How Does the Church Care for the Church?

And your choice of one of three breakouts Saturday Morning:

  • Walking Through Suffering

  • Showing Hospitality

  • Being a Peacemaker

Registration: $25/person ($15/child 8-17) and includes dinner, breakfast, lunch, and a book!

Register below by Monday, January 27.

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11:30 AM11:30

College Lunch

College Students! Join us for some lunch after worship on Sunday, January 26 at the Kopp house. Contact Trevor for more information! Sign up below!

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12:30 PM12:30

Pizza Drop-In for the Ferrells

We have changed the date because of the impending weather Saturday. We will be holding a Pizza Drop-In for the Ferrells from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm on Saturday, January 18, in the sanctuary. We will have a small book with a 4x6 sleeve for you to add a picture or a note of encouragement or prayer for the Ferrells. 

If you won’t be able to make it but want to add a note, reach out to Sam Ferguson at 317-503-5696. 

Please make plans to join us.

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8:00 AM08:00

Equip Intensive: Session 5

We are excited to offer Session 5 of our Equip Intensives starting October 14, 2024. The Intensives are open to both male and female members of Ridgewood Church who are seeking to grow in maturity and discerning how to love and serve the church. Our Equip Intensives are quarterly and run on a 2-year rotation. There are 8 Intensives over that 2-year period. You can jump in to participate at any point! You do not need to have done Sessions 1–4 to do Session 5.

The Intensive will consist of about a 3-month period to do reading and writing assignments. Then, we will meet for a seminar on a Saturday morning (Jan. 18, 2025) to receive teaching from the pastors, discuss the assignments, and process what has been learned. The hope would be that you could participate in the 2 years but please sign up even if you are not sure if you can.

This seminar is entitled Ecclesiology: The Study of the Church. The goal will be to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the mission, function, and governance of the church.

The seminar will be on January 18, 2025, from 8 am to 12 pm.

Who should participate?

  • Male and female members of Ridgewood Church wanting to spend 2 years pursuing accelerated spiritual transformation

  • People discerning how best to serve and lead in the church

  • People who desire to be poured into, receiving both encouragement and correction

  • Those wanting to grow in biblical character traits (1 Tim 3:1–13; Gal 5:22–23; Tit 1:6–9; Col 3:12–17)

We look forward to how the Lord will grow us individually and corporately through the Equip Intensives! Sign up below.

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10:00 AM10:00

Family Worship

For a chance to introduce our kids to the beauty and necessity of life together as a church on January 5th, we will incorporate all our kids into a family worship gathering. We will be worshiping the Lord as one big family. We'll include all the children in our gathering; therefore, there will be no kids’ classes during service. This will be our first and final family worship gathering for 2025.

Don’t forget to grab a worship guide for your children before service at the hospitality table. We will have two worship guides available - a coloring guide for the younger ones and an activity guide for the older ones. The entire service will be structured with kids in mind. We will be answering question #13 from the New City Catechism- “Can anyone keep the law of God perfectly? Since the fall, no human has been able to keep the law of God perfectly.”

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7:00 PM19:00

Ridgewood Women's 5th Annual Treat Trade

When: Sunday, December 15th at 7 PM

Where: Ridgewood Church Sanctuary

Join the women of Ridgewood Church for our 5th Annual Christmas Treat Trade! What’s a “Treat Trade”? Think cookie exchange, only any type of “treat” is welcome (e.g. cookies, Oreo balls, Rice Krispie treats or even Little Debbie trees; the options are endless!). The best part? You’ll go home with a sampling of everyone else’s treats to enjoy! Just as in years past, we’ll be voting to see who among us will reign as the star bakers with the most creative & festive Christmas treats! Let us know by signing up below if you plan to join us.

 Treat Trade Instructions: Please bring 3 dozen treats (or more, if you’d like!) to share on the night of the Treat Trade. Treats do NOT need to be individually packaged. Please also bring a utensil that can be used to serve your treats.

 Contact Casey Markham with any questions.

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to Nov 9

Men's Retreat

***Due to Helene, Camp McCall is not currently operational and we have moved the weekend to our church building.***

Men and future men of Ridgewood (aged 8 and older), you are invited to join us for our 2024 Men’s Retreat the weekend of November 8-10. We will be studying the book of Titus. We will sing, study the word, and gather in small groups for discussion.


  • $50 per man

  • $25 per kid (8 to 18)

Please register below by October 29.


  • 6:00pm - Dinner

    7:00pm - Session 1 (Singing & Teaching on Titus 1)

    8:00pm – Small Group Discussion

    9:00pm – Dismiss for Free Time (Board games, Watch football, Spikeball, Head home, etc.)


  • 9:00am – Hearty Breakfast - pancakes, eggs, bacon, etc.

  • 10:00am - Session 2 (Singing & Teaching on Titus 2)

  • 11:00am – Small Group Discussions

  • 12:00pm – Dismiss for Free Time (Board games, Watch football, Spikeball, Head home, etc.)

  • 5:30pm – Return for Dinner

  • 6:30pm - Session 3 (Singing & Teaching on Titus 3)

  • 7:30pm - Men's Panel

  • 8:30pm – Dismiss for Free Time (Board games, Watch football, Spikeball, Head home, etc.)


  • 8:00am - Prayer & Bojangles Biscuits

Please register below by October 29.

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8:00 AM08:00

Equip Intensive: Session 4

We are excited to offer Session 4 of our Equip Intensives starting July 21, 2024. The Intensives are open to both male and female members of Ridgewood Church who are seeking to grow in maturity and discerning how to love and serve the church. Our Equip Intensives are quarterly and run on a 2-year rotation. There are 8 Intensives over that 2-year period. You can jump in to participate at any point! You do not need to have done Sessions 1–3 to do Session 4.

The Intensive will consist of about a 3-month period to do reading and writing assignments. Then, we will meet for a seminar on a Saturday morning (Oct. 12, 2024) to receive teaching from the pastors, discuss the assignments, and process what has been learned. The hope would be that you could participate in the 2 years but please sign up even if you are not sure if you can.

This seminar is entitled New Testament: Redemption Fulfilled. The goal will be to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the New Testament and how Christ completes the story. The reading will begin on July 22, 2024. You will receive an email around this date with all necessary reading and writing assignments.

The seminar will be on October 12, 2024, from 8 am to 12 pm.

Who should participate?

  • Male and female members of Ridgewood Church wanting to spend 2 years pursuing accelerated spiritual transformation

  • People discerning how best to serve and lead in the church

  • People who desire to be poured into, receiving both encouragement and correction

  • Those wanting to grow in biblical character traits (1 Tim 3:1–13; Gal 5:22–23; Tit 1:6–9; Col 3:12–17)

We look forward to how the Lord will grow us individually and corporately through the Equip Intensives! Sign up below.

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to Oct 31

10/2 Prayer For the Harvest

  • Google Calendar ICS

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Jesus in Luke 10:2

Starting October 2, we invite you to set a reminder each day at 10:02 AM and/or 10:02 PM to ask God to raise up laborers.

We'll take a moment each day—whether at work, in your car, or at home—to pray in obedience to Luke 10:2.

  • Week 1: October 2-8

    • Each day this week, we'll pray for the Lord to raise up workers for the harvest worldwide.

  • Week 2: October 9-15

    • Each day this week, we'll pray for the Lord to raise up church planters, pastors, and missionaries from Ridgewood.

  • Week 3: October 16-22

    • Each day this week, we'll pray for the Lord to strengthen our partners already serving on the mission field.

  • Week 4: October 23-31

    • Each day this week, we'll pray for the Lord to turn our eyes to the harvest here in Greer—our friends, neighbors, and family who are far from God.

Join us!

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10:00 AM10:00

10-Year Celebration

Plan to join us to celebrate 10 years on September 8th! We'll have our worship gathering that morning with a few special elements.

We'll also have a special, testimony-focused Members Meeting at 5:00-7:00pm that same day. We'll cookout and hear how God has used Ridgewood over the years.

Make plans to join us for this special day!

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