we are passionate about multiplication

Jesus commands us to go and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them (Matt. 28:18-20). We want to see churches planted. We want to see dying churches revived. We want to see struggling churches revitalized. We want to see Jesus made known from Greer to the ends of the earth.

how are we doing this?

One of the key ways we are working towards multiplication is through our leadership pipeline that we call the Greenhouse.

our church plants & partners

In August of 2021, we commissioned Bryce & Elizabeth Harrison to plant a church in Atlantic Canada. They will be launching Kings Table Church in September of 2023. Read more here!

We are a part of the Pillar Network, a community of Southern Baptist and International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally driven, and committed to equipping, planting, and revitalizing churches, together.