The Crucified King | Matthew 26-28


“The Lord has established his sovereignty from a tree. Who is it who fights with wood? Christ. From his cross he has conquered kings.” (St. Augustine)

This fall, we'll study the final chapters of Matthew's gospel as he depicts Jesus as the Long Awaited King who offers His life for His people.

*Big thanks to Reality Church in Los Angeles for letting us use their series graphic!

The Way of Wisdom


You and I are taking in so much content constantly; a digital diet of Doritos and Skittles, as one author described it. How are we to navigate the noise? We need wisdom. And the Lord generously gives to those who ask, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5). Wisdom is personified as a woman inviting us to dine with her and walk in her ways (Prov. 9:1-6). Join us as we study the Proverbs this summer and seek God's help in walking The Way of Wisdom!

Clash of the Kingdoms | Matthew 21-25

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"My kingdom is not of this world." (Jn. 18:36) "Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil." (1 Jn 3:8) "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 4:17) “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15 )

The New Testament unashamedly presents Jesus as The Returning King come to restore His Kingdom. This King and His Kingdom confronts the psuedo-kings and idolatrous kingdoms of this world in a dramatic clash between the ancient forces of good and evil.

In Matthew 21-25, a powerful section of scripture, Jesus comes into conflict with the religious leaders of Israel, confronting their compromise and hypocrisy with profound prophetic actions and sayings. Jesus willingly runs headlong into the buzzsaw of Jerusalem during the time of Passover for a Clash of the Kingdoms.

Living Stones

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"You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house…" 1 Peter 2:5

Our church's life together is guided by our church covenant. We'll spend 9 weeks studying the biblical foundations and setting a vision for each of these commitments. Series begins January 31.

Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Praying with Paul | Part 1


How do Paul’s prayers teach us both how and what to pray? What do Paul’s prayers teach us about God’s desires for His people? We’ll kick off 2021 considering a few of Paul’s prayers for the purpose of increasing and enriching our prayer!

Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Come Let Us Adore Him

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We'll take four Sundays to adore different aspects of Jesus. Join us! Begins November 29.

Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Jesus People | Part 2 | Matthew 18-20

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Beginning in Matthew 18, Jesus teaches on the sort of life His people are to have together. Join us beginning in August.

Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Pilgrim Songs

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Psalms for people on their way.

Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Holy Week | Daily Devotions

Jesus People | Part 1 | Matthew 14-17

The Love of God

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Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Tell it Slant | Matthew 13


What is the kingdom of heaven and what is like? Who is it for? And why does Jesus teach in parables? Jesus answers these questions for us in Matthew 13.

Sermons are listed in order of most recent.

To the Churches: Revelation 1-3

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In Revelation 1-3, Jesus speaks to His churches. These three chapters are filled with instruction from the Head of the Church Himself. Beginning at our 5 Year Celebration Service on September 8, we'll spend several weeks studying Jesus’ words to His church in these chapters.

Sermons listed in order of most recent.

Seven Deadly Sins

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Why a teaching series on pride, greed, envy, sloth, lust, gluttony, and wrath?

For the same reason we study cancer, opposing armies, and the other team’s play-calling tendencies. We’re studying sin to identify it in our hearts, name it, and kill it.

We’re studying these sins for our joy. Sin is soul-hollowing, boring, deadening, and at the end of the day, a killjoy. The life of Christlikeness is joyful. It’s human life as it ought to be. It honors God and opens us up to God’s own eternal joy. Why wouldn’t we want to labor against these besetting sins to grow in our joy in Christ?

Sermons listed in order of most recent.



Christian, Paul tells you in Colossians 3 that “your life is hidden with Christ in God.” What does that mean for you? Join us as we study Paul’s letter to the Colossians, beginning on April 28.

Sermons are listed in order of most recent.

For the Weary / Matthew 11-12


Are you weary? Are you frantic? Are you tired? Are you overwhelmed? Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!” Join us beginning February 10 as we study these life-giving chapters of Matthew’s gospel.

Sermons are listed in order of most recent.



Jesus’ final command to his church was, “Make disciples.” So what is a disciple? What does it mean to make disciples? How and where are disciples made? Join us in January.

Sermons are listed in order of most recent.