“The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”
Exodus 34:6–7
Beginning Sunday, May 5 we'll be teaching the first part of Exodus.
Why teach Exodus? It's a riveting, cinematic story. There's a reason it’s been adapted into so many movies. It's the epic of the Old Testament!
Dramatic though it is, these events aren't what make it so good. It's not the burning bush. It's not the plagues. It's not the passover, nor the parting and passing through the Red Sea. It’s not the giving of the Law, nor the golden calf, nor the miracles in the wilderness, nor the the tabernacle.
What makes Exodus so riveting ? It's God.
That's why we want to devote ourselves to this book; it's God is just so big.
May 5 - Exodus 1
May 12 - Exodus 2
May 19 - Exodus 3
May 26 - Exodus 4
June 2 - Exodus 5
June 9 - Exodus 6
June 16 - Exodus 7
June 23 - Exodus 8
June 30- Family Worship (NCC Catechism Question #7)
July 7 - Exodus 9
July14 - Exodus 10
July 21 - Exodus 11
July 28 - Exodus 12:1-28
August 4 - Exodus 12:29-51
August 11 - Exodus 13
August 18 - Exodus 14
August 25 - Exodus 15:1-21
September 1 - Exodus 15:22-27
September 8 - Exodus 16
September 15 - Exodus 17
September 22 - Exodus 18