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Call to Worship & Prayer
Read Psalm 18:20-30
Thank God for His mercy.
Set aside haughtiness and pretense; ask the Lord to humble you.
Rejoice in the Lord — our shield in whom we find refuge.
Confession & Assurance
The depth of our sin and the desperation of our plight would be insurmountable
If it had not been the Lord on our side.
We would have put away his statutes and departed in wickedness
If it had not been the Lord on our side.
Our ways would be crooked. Our hands, stained. Our hearts, riddled with guilt and blame.
If it had not been the Lord on our side.
But you, O Lord, bring light to our darkness. You way is perfect, and your word is true.
In you, our shield, we take refuge.
Passing the Peace
Pray for two people in our body who are NOT in your community group. Call or text them to let them know you prayed for them by name.
Pastoral Prayer
Missions Prayer
Pray for Resurrection Church
Thank God for His provision of church partnership with Resurrection
Thank God for Resurrection's kindness and generosity to us through the use of their building and resources
Pray for their elders (Bradley, Keith, Jonathan, Andy, and Donny) and staff (Mary, Carrie, and Kathy) as they continue to try to best serve their church in the midst of this COVID-19 season
Pray that Jesus would be made known and people would come to saving faith in Him through the ministry of Resurrection
Psalm 77:11-15
Questions for Reflection
When you think of your past, do you see growth, stagnation, or decline in holiness and Christlikeness in your life? Why do you see that?
How can the Lord use biblical history, church history and personal memories to propel us in our faith and trust in Him?
Are there any past memories that hold guilt and shame over you? How can you trust in the current help of the Lord to move past them?
What is a personal example of the Lord being on your side and protecting you?
Is this your first time using our Living Room Liturgy? Are you looking for a church or curious to know more about Jesus? We would love to connect with you! Please click the button below and fill out the form.