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Call to Worship & Prayer
Read Psalm 19:7-14
Thank God that He is a speaking God that doesn't leave us in the dark.
Ask for obedience to His voice.
Ask for a heart sensitive to His word and voice.
Thank God that He offers forgiveness of sins.
Ask that the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart
would be acceptable in His sight.
Confession & Assurance
Errors, faults, and sins have exercised dominion over us. The words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts have not been acceptable in Your sight, O LORD.
Protect us, O LORD, through the person and work of Jesus Christ, so that we shall be blameless and innocent of great transgression.
Your law, Your testimony, Your precepts, Your commandments, Your rules are perfect and true. Let us desire them more than gold or sweet honey.
Help us to walk in Your ways and fear You, our rock and our redeemer. Let peace be upon us.
Passing the Peace
Pray for two people in our body who are NOT in your community group. Call or text them to let them know you prayed for them by name.
Pastoral Prayer
Missions Prayer
Pray for the 5 new members presented on Saturday, June 13.
Pray for our church to be committed to covenant fellowship, the edification and sanctification of each member, and loving each other as Christ has loved us.
Psalm 128:5-6
Questions for Reflection
In what areas of your life do you not fear the Lord? How do you neglect to regard God as creator and to walk in obedience?
What motivates your fear of the Lord? Do you fear the Lord in order to reverse engineer some kind of blessing?
What is your happiness bound to and is it easily taken away by suffering?
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