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Call to Worship & Prayer
Read Psalm 16
Praise God as the source of all good things. Specifically thank Him for blessings with which He has blessed you.
Praise God for the inheritance we have been given in Jesus Christ, the inheritance of eternal life.
Praise God that we have access to His presence, to enjoy pleasures evermore at His right hand.
Praise God that He has raised His son Jesus from the dead!
Confession & Assurance
The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply.
Father, we confess we are tempted to fix our hope in other saviors: earthly leaders, scientific progress, or political action. In times of sorrow and distress we often numb ourselves with fleeting pleasures. Forgive us for believing we have any good apart from you.
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, he was buried, and he was raised on the third day. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
You hold us in your hand, so we shall not be shaken. We are secure. We have a beautiful inheritance. You make known to us the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy forevermore.
Passing the Peace
Pray for two people in your community group. Call or text them to let them know you prayed for them by name.
Pastoral Prayer
Want to discuss any of the above with one of our pastors? We'll have an online meetup using Zoom on Monday, April 13 at 8pm!
Easter Stories
Missions Prayer
Pray for one person close to you but far from God.
May the powerful Spirit of God which raised Jesus to new life,
strengthen our hope,
enrich our love,
and fill us with all joy in Him.
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