As mentioned in the sermon on Sunday, June 6, I wanted to provide some resources on both slavery and taking risks to the glory of God.
First, below are two videos that have been helpful to me in understanding slavery in the Bible; moreover, these resources are beneficial in explaining the differences between slavery described in the Old and New Testaments and the chattel slavery of earlier American history (and many other civilizations).
This first video is by Paul Copan (about 45 minutes):
This second video is a lecture by Peter Williams (about 75 minutes):
Second, below are the two resources I mentioned concerning taking risks to the glory of Christ.
This first link is to a sermon by John Piper (about 33 minutes) entitled “Risk and the Cause of God.” I was listening to this sermon this past week and was both challenged and encouraged:
This second link is to a short book entitled Risk is Right. This book overlaps to some degree with the sermon above, but it elaborates more on the topic. I commend it to you as well: (simply click the “Download” button on the left sidebar to view a full (and free) PDF of the book)
I pray these resources are helpful to you. It is a great privilege to serve the Body as an elder here at TCGS!
Josh Styles
Lay Pastor