For the Weary | Shall I Look for Another?
Disciples | The Cost of Discipleship
Disciples | The Church & Disciple-Making
Sermon by Trevor Hoffman, based on a few passages in the New Testament.
Disciples | Making Disciples
Disciples | Being Disciples
Memento Mori
Technical difficulties made this audio a little less than ideal - sorry for any inconvenience. Sermon by Trevor Hoffman, based on Psalm 90
The Word Became Flesh | ...And Dwelt Among Us
The Word Became Flesh | The Light of Men
The Word Became Flesh | God Speaks
Feed Me With What is Needful
Conquest of the King | Jesus vs. Our Loyalties
Conquest of the King | Rejected -- like Jesus
Conquest of the King | The Authority of the Apostles
Conquest of the King | Blind Enough to See
Conquest of the King | Jesus vs. Our Expectations
Conquest of the King | Disruptive Jesus
Conquest of the King | Come and Die
Conquest of the King
Sermon by Trevor Hoffman, based on Matthew 8:1-17
Saved | Putting it All Together
Sermon by Trevor Hoffman, based on Psalm 105